Monday, February 18, 2008

"Calm and Healing" Pre-Release Info

The recording label deep kimchee has taken on the project of re-mastering and re-releasing the phenomenally successful guided imagery project "Calm and Healing" by Cor Mulhern, RSM, D. Min. This 1997 release was a pair of relaxation exercises for pre-surgery and overall well-being. The initial release of this project was extremely well received, even though it was only available in cassette form. Producer Kevin Brislin was recently in talks with Dr. Mulhern to release a new set of relaxation exercises, which is in final production, and the concept of re-releasing "Calm and Healing" was broached.

As of this date, "Calm and Healing" will be released electronically only (no CD pressings are planned), which will allow prospective buyers to download the sessions onto a portable player of their choice.. Further information on where this will be available will be announced when the final details are worked out.

The new guided imagery project, tentatively entitled "Peace and Health", is being presented for chemotherapy recipients and for general well-being. Dr. Mulhern has received a multitude of praise for her work in helping others to achieve an inner balance to aid in combatting illness. At this time, this project is being mastered. Both "Calm and Healing" and "Peace and Health" will be released simultaneously.
For more information, contact Kevin Brislin at

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Change in Plans

Due to severe time constraints and a misunderstanding of what was really being written, the rock opera "The Gods Themselves" is now an oratorio and will not be presented live at North Port High School. The principal writers (Tiffany Stone, Glenn Banish, and Kevin Brislin) are continuing work on the oratorio and will eventually record the entire performance in the NPHS production facility or at the still incomplete studio in The Barn (see previous posts for details.) The documentary is still being worked on and will include scenes from various writing sessions of the oratorio, but will concentrate on past Kaleidoscope performances and interviews with educators involved with alternate music education. More on this as the documentary progresses. (BTW, the picture shown is a pre-performance conference with some of the principals involved in the movie, "So the wind won't blow it all away." Brislin is the only one not smiling and has his arms crossed.)

Speaking of The Barn, the interior is slowly (s-l-o-w-l-y) being finished. Brislin is hoping that the last of the interior issues will be taken care of by the end of March and equipment installation can commence at the same time. The Macintosh-based system has recently been upgraded to include a new operating system, the latest version of ProTools LE and the use of the Digi002 Rack system. The studio also has incorporated an Emu Proteus 2/XR synthesizer, a dbx 386 tube preamp, a Blue Ball powered dynamic microphone, and a Sony CDR-W33 compact disk recorder for mastering.

Potential clients can contact Kevin Brislin at for information on availability of The Barn for audio and video recording projects.