Wednesday, December 19, 2012

294 Scott St. - The Brislin Bros.

The Brislin Bros. first music project together, 294 Scott St., is available at CDBaby for download. You can find it at You can also find it on iTunes, Rhapsody, Spotify...and I've lost count of the others. You can search and find more, if you're interested.

If you've kept up in this blog, you will see that it took a few years to get this project done. My brother Jay and I live about 1430 miles apart; he's in Massachusetts and I'm in Florida. We have been sending half-completed audio files to each other for months and working on them. Jay wrote five of the nine songs, the best of which (in my humble opinion) is Belladonna, which I made a video for (see previous post.)

We also had one guest musician, bassist David Alvarez. David usually plays with The Boogiemen, a well-known band here in Southwest Florida. David graciously came over to The Barn a few months ago to cut the bass track for the song "Brothers to All" when I got stumped as to how I wanted it to go. His fretless playing is sublime.

All in all, this was a great project. We are both very pleased with the results and want to continue to work together on music. Now, let's see how long it takes to do the next one!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Belladonna" video on Vimeo

The video for the song "Belladonna" from the upcoming Brislin Bros. release, 294 Scott St., is on Vimeo. You can see it at

The video was shot by both my brother Jay and myself using only iPhone 4's. It's kind of random and weird, but we had a good time putting it together.

The release of the rest of the music from 294 Scott St. should be soon. I am mastering it as fast as I can. Clooose....very, very cloooose.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Music Video in Production

The music video for the song Belladonna on the upcoming release 294 Scott St. by The Brislin Bros. is in post-production editing. All principal video was shot using only an iPhone 4. As usual, I am using Final Cut Pro on a MacBook with an external monitor for my editing station. I am hoping to have the video completed in the next few weeks and will upload it on my Vimeo channel. I'll post the URL here when it is available.

The final mixes for all of the songs for 294 Scott St. are still being worked on. The first set, while OK, just weren't quite there. Since my mastering process requires listening in six different environments (the studio, my truck, my wife's van, the house, high-end headphones, and earbuds), it takes time to evaluate what works and what doesn't. They are getting there and that's all I can say.

Still in the songwriting phase for the next now that they're here release, tentatively titled like a lighthouse gone mad from loneliness. So far I have about 7 songs that I'm considering for inclusion. Tracking hasn't really started, but some of the songs are ones that I have worked on before for other projects, then shelved for one reason or another. This is the most tedious process of all. I'd rather be tracking and mixing.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Whatcha been doing?

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I wrote for this blog. Let's catch up, shall we?

Right now, I am working on the final mixes for "294 Scott St.", which will be the first release from The Brislin Bros., which just happens to be a collaboration between myself and my guitarist brother Jay. We have been sending each other music files for almost two years over the Internet since he lives in Massachusetts and I live in Florida. At this point, there are nine songs and it will be released electronically (no CD's...sorry.) The mixes are coming along really well. I just had bassist David Alvarez of The Boogeymen come over to work on one track. All in all, it is going well and I expect to have the mixes completed by August.

We are also in pre-production for a planned video for one of the songs from the above-mentioned project. Right now, we are looking at doing a stop-motion video with cutout characters. Hence the "planned" part of this. If it looks like we will be in production for 6 months or more, then forget it. But if we can pull this off in two to three months, then I'd like to continue. We should start production in a few weeks, but right now we are still planning.

I've also started pulling together the music for the fourth release for now that they're here. If you thought Pacific Radio Fire was eclectic, just wait until you hear the music for the new release. Right now, it's all just random tracks that are half put together. I had a slew of tech issues in The Barn that are now all settled. Added some new equipment and am about to sell a lot of my older stuff that needs to be culled out.

On a final note, the Lighthouse Trike Tour documentary is on permanent hiatus. The Kickstarter campaign did not pan out, so that was twice in one year that I tried to get that particular project rolling. I have no plans at this time to continue trying to do this and, it seems, I have no Plan C. So until I get some brainstorm on how to do this in a reasonable fashion, I'm holding off.