Tuesday, August 04, 2015

No, really…I'm almost finished!

The Barn, July 2015

Here we are at the end of summer…for me, anyway. School starts back up in two weeks and I am this close to finishing the master for "like a lighthouse gone mad from loneliness." I had the great fortune to  have Joe Hayes of the group Clatter become part of my listening panel to review my mixes. And review them he did! Joe came up with some great suggestions on how the project could be enhanced in his opinion. Many of his suggestions were instituted, so I'm ALMOST at the point where I'm ready to remaster the whole CD and send it off for duplication.

However, there are a few glitches. The CD cover isn't ready (read: not designed yet), the book of lyrics I wanted to make isn't done (read: I didn't do it), and my website is woefully outdated. There are only so many hours in a day and, more importantly, there is only so much energy I can devote to various activities that require time and creativity. So, yes…I'm almost finished…with a few caveats.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Continue to continue

Kevin Brislin at WASA/WHDG, Maryland, 1980
Here it is six months later and I could probably just copy my previous post and it would pretty much sum up what I've been up to lately. "like a lighthouse gone mad from loneliness" is a lot closer to being completed, but there are a few snags that I have to iron out before I feel like I can say it is done. First, I've asked Fred Nowicki (guitarist for the CD "Auschwitz Bound" by now that they're here…you know, my group?) to work on a few songs that I think are in serious need of a lead guitar line. If he can ever get his head above water, there are about three such songs I need him to work on.

Secondly, I need to get David Alvarez over to The Barn to record bass on a few songs also. I've used keyboard bass sounds before and most of time no one can tell the difference between a real bass and a keyboard, but there are times when a note slide really works well…and I can't do that on keyboard. Hopefully I can get Dave over in the next few weeks (although I'll be gone for the entire Spring Break, so there goes that opportunity.)

On other news, I had Tony Tartaglia over to The Barn to do voiceover work for movie theatre commercials he does for his restaurant Cluck U Chicken here in North Port, FL. Tony has a deep, sonorous voice that is perfect for commercial work. We are both hoping to do more projects together in the near future. It was a lot of fun and a great session.

As for the above picture, I was going through some old snapshots and found this one of me back when I was a radio announcer. I still have nightmares of working there and having all the news feeds die simultaneously as I realize I have ten seconds until airtime. I HATE those dreams.