Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer 2007 Update

Songwriter/producer Kevin Brislin spent the month of July in L.A. working on his M.F.A. (Masters of Fine Arts) by completing the residency component of National University's Digital Cinema program. He and nine other candidates worked on three different industrial shorts. Kevin performed as a production manager, field sound person, and camera operator during the production phases of the projects. During post-production, he edited one project using Avid Express Pro and did audio mixing/final mastering for two projects using ProTools HD. Brislin will declare his thesis film project in September and start pre-production as soon as possible. Further news on this front as it becomes clear what the project will be.

In other deep kimchee news, the siding for the interior of the new recording studio has been chosen and will be delivered in the next few weeks. It is supposed to be very easy to install, so the goal is to have the siding and flooring finalized by the end of September and have the studio up and running by October.

The next now that they're here CD is still on hiatus until a guitarist is found. There is a possibility that this has been worked out by including a guitarist that lives in Tampa, FL to work on tracks via the Internet. The actual production flow is being worked out, so no names until it is official.

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