Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jeez, yet another update?

Seems that all we do anymore is update readers on the continuation of the continuation of projects and plans. That's OK, though...at least things are progressing.

The Barn isn't doing that badly; the siding is installed on the interior. The walls have to be painted, the carpeting installed, then the studio equipment has to be taken out of the old studio and installed in the new. It will probably be some time in late June before all of this is completed. One can only hope.

The latest update for ProTools LE has yet to be released, so most (if not all) production work is at a standstill since the computer systems used in the studio have been updated to Macintosh OS X 10.5 Leopard. There are a few ways around this problem, but none exist to help finish the latest now that they're here CD, nor remaster the Mulhern projects (see previous posts for details.) 

One of the projects that is progressing is the Masters thesis video of producer Kevin Brislin. A documentary about alternative music education is in the editing phase and hopefully will be in rough form by the end of May. One of the few recording projects at The Barn will be the recording of the narration for the video and the creation of some of the background music.

Brislin also provided information about teaching TV Production, which can be seen at


Also, the Electronic Music class taught at North Port High by Brislin will be part of a presentation at an international symposium of music educators in Taiwan in June by C. Victor Fung, the Director of the Center for Music Education Research at the University of South Florida, Tampa.

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