Monday, October 12, 2009

Endings and Beginnings

I'm abandoning the more formal "press release" style of this blog since it just doesn't suit me or this site. Since all things "deep kimchee" are also all things "Kevin Brislin", there really is no point in trying to separate the two. So much for formality.

In no particular order, here's what's been up since last June.

1. Pacific Radio Fire: The next now that they're here CD is in it's final stages of mastering. This process has been particularly grueling, for some odd reason. I seem to be second-guessing myself on the mixes constantly. One day, they sound fine, the next I'm dissatisfied with some aspect of what I've mixed. However, the twelve songs are almost all at a point where I'm changing things just to change them....and that's when I know I'm done.

The cover for the CD has an interesting story. I decided to have a competition at North Port High School with two graphic arts classes to design the cover. Altogether, there was about 20 to 25 entrants. The winning design was made by Chelsea Dorato and was done in a very cool way. Each letter for the title was "drawn" in a darkened room by a Cyalume light stick, then put together in Photoshop. I thought the process was fascinating and choose her design as the winner.

So, the CD is almost done, the cover is almost done...all that's left is for me to hurry the hell up.

2. Alternative Music Education video: At long last, after almost three years of work, my Masters of Fine Arts degree is completed. It took a year's worth of work to have my thesis video accepted; it took four submissions to have it finally approved by my thesis committee at National University in Los Angeles, CA. The video is 15 minutes long and is an educational look at what constitutes alternative music education and how it can be achieved. Due to the constraints of size for video on blogspot, I will have to put it on You can see it at

3. Hypnosis for Education: An odd project that came up this year from Dr. George Kenney, who is creating a series of self-hypnosis CD's for students to help them with such problems as test anxiety, sports performance issues, etc. There are five CD's to be released. I was hired to do the background music and produce the project. This has been fun to work on. It will be released on, so look for this there soon.

4. Kaleidoscope 2010: For the next Kaleidoscope performance at North Port High School. we are doing a Beatles-themed show. In my TV Production III-IV classes, we are re-enacting three music videos from the films A Hard Day's Night, Help, and Let It Be. We are in pre-production at this point, but we have our cast and the shoot dates for at least two of the videos. We will also be using our own renditions of the music, so recording dates for that will be coming soon and will involve students from three of my classes. More news on this as it progresses.

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