Friday, September 27, 2013

Alice in Wonderland

I could have SWORN I updated this blog more recently, but it sure looks like I didn't. So, let's catch up.

First, The Barn has been up and running since June. I installed all new ceiling panels and the dehumidifier works great, so no condensation issues. I reconnected all the equipment (yes, it was an ALL DAY job) and put it into a new configuration so it is easier for me to work alone. Plus I can get out of the way better when I'm recording someone else. The picture shows what it looks like.

Once the studio was up again, I started working on music for a play adapted by my friend and teaching colleague Dena Hendersen. Dena teaches Drama at North Port High School and decided to write her own adaptation of Alice in Wonderland for this year's Fall Play. She also wanted to have a "play with music" and kindly asked me to provide something unique. I ended up writing 22 interstitial pieces; that is, music that either connects scenes or is used to underscore action. Yup, just like a movie, but it's for a play. As far as I know, the play is in rehearsals now and is scheduled for performance on October 4, 5, and 6 at the North Port Performing Arts Center. I'm excited! I'll be taping the Oct. 4th show, so hopefully I can show highlights.

The Brislin Bros. are also working on their next release, which at this point is untitled since Jay and I can't come to an agreement of what to call it. I have about ten songs that I'm thinking of contributing...Jay has two (haha!) Actually, that's an unfair thing to say since Jay doesn't have a back catalog of 400 songs from which to work. However, we have traded some songs already and are working on adding parts. Jay did write an Irish drinking song that is proving to be a bear to work with. We'll see.

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