Sunday, November 14, 2010

Plans within plans within...

So, the school year at NPHS started with a BANG and I just looked up to see that it is November. And what have we been doing? Let's see...

For Kaleidoscope this year, we are producing a lip dub video based on the Billy Idol song "Dancing With Myself." We've been in pre-production since September and it has taken a long time to get organized. For those that don't know, a lip dub is a music video that is lip synced in one take and taped backwards. Also, in the last week, we decided that we are going to produce an original science fiction movie. That is being written at this point and we don't expect to be in production until February. I am looking forward to writing the score for this one, so let's see how that goes.

My big project for 2011 is going to be to create a video documentary about the Lighthouses of Florida. I plan on visiting all the lighthouses in the state while I am on a bike tour. Well, actually a trike tour since I've purchased a Terra Trike Path 8 recumbent (see the picture? Isn't it cute? Like the Tibetan prayer flag?) So, in between planning that trip and looking for corporate sponsors and training for the ride...could be busy.

Musically, I'm still working on songs for The Brislin Bros. project and that's about all. Sales for Pacific Radio Fire haven't been bad at all; got a royalty check from cdBaby!! Income is always good, ya know?

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