Friday, February 21, 2014

Wow, I'm actually updating my blog!

Where have I been? Well, right here, actually.

Back in October, the performance of Alice in Wonderland went pretty well. To me, in retrospect, director Dena Henderson and I should have worked more closely together on integrating the music with the play in the final rehearsals. Sometimes the music just either didn't work, or was too short, or too long. And having the sound crew just stop the music or replay a song didn't work. But, when all was said and done, I still liked the play and the music. I'm still deciding if I'm going to release it commercially on iTunes, just for the heck of it.

And, since then, I've done no music at all. I did produce and edit a ten-minute tribute video for one of our departing assistant principals at North Port High. However, when they played it for the staff at his farewell luncheon, the powers-that-be decided to NOT play it in the Performing Arts Center, but in the cafeteria. Worst acoustics ever. Couldn't hear a thing anyone said on the video. So, once again. another project sabotaged by how it was presented.

I also took a 10-week class on watercolor painting. Truth be told, I've been painting for years, but felt that my technique could use a little updating. I loved the instructor and painted some pretty good scenes (mostly landscapes and flowers.) The painting above is an example of what we did in the class.

There may be some good news on the resurrection of video production at NPHS...but I'm not going to announce that until it is absolutely a sure thing. So, for now, I'm just riding my motorcycle as much as I can and waiting out the winter.

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